Task type: NER
NER: Named Entity Recognition. The task of named entity recognition in text. For example, in the text “What is the weather in London”, the entity “London” can be detected.
System name: ner
Services of the ner type accept text as input and return JSON in a specific format.
Data types
Predict request
- Specification
- Python type:
(the mlp-python-sdk module) - Java type:
(the mlp-datatypes module)
Request example:
"text": "What is the weather in London"
Predict response
- Specification
- Python type:
(the mlp-python-sdk module) - Java type:
(the mlp-datatypes module)
Response example:
"entities": [
"value": "london",
"entity_type": "TOPONYM",
"span": {
"start_index": 15,
"end_index": 21
"entity": "london",
"source_type": "DEEPPAVLOV"